sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016

MakerSpace wave hits GeorgiaTECH university

The School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at Georgia Institute of Technology (GATECH) is the latest venue to offer a MakerSpace and has opened a new Materials Innovation & Learning Lab (MILL). This is the second time in one week that 3DPI has reported on the opening of a new MakerSpace. At the end of October, College of the Canyons in California also opened their second MakerSpace due to the popularity of the first lab on its Valencia campus. The MILL at GATECH is one of at least two other MakerSpaces at the institute, joining an Aero MakerSpace, and one for electrical computer engineering that is under construction.

Fourth year MSE...

SOURCE: 3dprintingindustry.com ( go on reading...)


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